The Ritom Funicular is CLOSED for the winter!

Scheduled to reopen on Saturday May 17th 2025.

Piotta – Piora

RoundtripOne way
AdultsCHF 25.-CHF 15.-
Teens (< 18 years old)CHF 12.-CHF 7.-
Kids (< 6 years old)gratisgratis
Family (parents + children*)CHF 62.-CHF 36.-
Seniors & Students **CHF 20.-CHF 12.-
Groups (min. 20 people)CHF 21.-CHF 12.-
Schools (6 – 17 years old)
(min. 10 people)
CHF 12.-CHF 7.-

Piotta – Altanca / Altanca – Piora

RoundtripOne way
AdultsCHF 12.-CHF 7.-
Teens (< 18 years old)CHF 6.-CHF 3.50
Kids (< 6 years old)gratisgratis
Family (parents + children*)CHF 31.-CHF 18.-
Seniors & Students **CHF 10.50CHF 6.-
Groups (min. 20 people)CHF 10.50CHF 6.-
Schools (6 – 17 years old)
(min. 10 people)
CHF 6.-CHF 3.50
Altanca (middle station) 50% of full fare

ATTENTION: for those taking the Funicular form Altanca, the payment is only possible in cash!


RoundtripOne way
Bicycles / MTBCHF 10.-
DogsCHF 10.-CHF 6.-

ATTENTION: Bike transport (max. 5) is only available from 13:15 to 15:15 PM and with the 08:35 AM run prior notice at!

Adults: 18-65 years old / Teens: 6-17 years old / Seniors:> 64/65 years old / Students: 18-25

* children up to 17 years old
** Students up to 25 years old

You can pay cash in Euros, change in CHF. Maestro, Postcard and credit cards are accepted.

In 2025 we offer:
20% discount with SBB GA *
20% discount with SBB half fare passes *
20% discount with rainbow passes (Zone 24 or All Zones only) *

* discount on the full Piotta-Piora rate. Discounts can’t be combined!